The Sophia Foundation is a nonprofit organization with supporters in the United States, Canada, Australia, many countries in Europe and other areas of the world. As an educational and cultural foundation, it is dedicated to awakening a new consciousness of Sophia, Divine Wisdom.
The Mission Statement
Serving to help create a culture of Love and Wisdom
The Sophia Foundation of North America seeks to:
⇒ Cultivate a deeper understanding of Divine Wisdom integrating philosophy, religion, science and the arts;
⇒ Bridge diverse cultures and traditions toward a vision of uniting humanity as one world community;
⇒ Increase human compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature;
⇒ Expand human consciousness through aligning human endeavor with universal and eternal truths;
⇒ Create a vessel for a path to Sophia through study, prayer, meditation, and community celebration;
⇒ Unite with the mission of Divine Sophia by serving the fulfillment of peace;
⇒ Cultivate the Divine Love that weaves throughout the universe and which is the source and goal of creation.