Pilgrimage To Egypt

A Pilgrimage to the Land of Ancient Mysteries
March 3-21, 2006

The Goddess whom the ancient Egyptians experienced as Isis in pre-Christian times is the same Being whom we now call Sophia, Who is the central focus of the activities of the Sophia Foundation. She said of Herself (according to Plutarch the saying was inscribed at a sacred shrine in the northern city of Sais on the eastern delta of the Nile): "I am the All; I am the past, the present, and the future, and no mortal hath lifted my veil." Now She-- as Sophia - is drawing near to humanity at this time of crisis in human evolution, saying: "I am the Divine Feminine who leads you onward and upward toward the fulfillment of the true essence of your being; every mortal should lift my veil."

It is appropriate that the Sophia Foundation undertook its seventh pilgrimage to the land of the mysteries of Isis and Osiris, to explore these and the other mysteries of ancient Egypt. In the spirit of the new initiation of Isis-Sophia for human beings of our time, we explored the land where the mysteries of Isis and Osiris flourished in antiquity.

Egypt is an Image of Heaven was led by Dr. Robert Powell and Karen Rivers in cooperation with Quest Travel. As with other pilgrimages, Robert led the sacred dance (eurythmy) and Karen led the group in singing at the various sites, on our path of connecting with the Guardian Spirits of these mystery places.

Click here for a report on the 2006 pilgrimage to Egypt

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