

The Sophia Foundation of North America was founded and exists to help usher in the new Age of Sophia and the corresponding culture of love and wisdom, the Rose of the World, prophesied by Daniel Andreev and other spiritual teachers. Part of the work of the Sophia Foundation is the  recognition of  the wisdom expressed by the stars, Astro-Sophia(astrosophy), now arising in our time in response to the descent of Sophia.  Sophia  is the bearer of Divine Wisdom just as Christ is the bearer of Divine Love.

Astrosophy, inspired by Divine Sophia descending from stellar heights, directs our consciousness to the  wisdom working in the starry heavens, encompassing  our solar system against the background of the signs of the zodiac and, beyond this, the entire galaxy.  This galactic  realm is referred to by Daniel Andreev as “the heights of our universe” – from which Sophia has descended on her path of approach into our world. Sophia draws our attention not only to the star mysteries of the heights but also to the cosmic mysteries connected with Christ’s deeds of redemption wrought two thousand years ago.

See also: Star Wisdom

The development of a new star wisdom (“Astro-Sophia”) is central to the Choreocosmos workshops:

Click here: Choreocosmos: School of Cosmic and Sacred Dance for further information;

Click here: Calendar of Events for a schedule of workshops in the United States, Europe, and Canada.

The yearly Journal for Star Wisdom edited by Robert Powell offers a path of working with star wisdom, containingnot only articles but also information about conferences and workshops dedicated to the new star wisdom(Astrosophy). The Journal for Star Wisdomincludes listings of the sidereal positions of the sun, moon and planets day by day throughout the year, both geocentrically and heliocentrically, and also a commentary on planetary aspects similar to those during the life of Christ.  It is published by SteinerBooks and is available from Fields Books.

See also: Journal for Star Wisdom

Further, Peter Treadgold’s computer program Astrofire, written for astrosophical research and use by all who are interested in Astrosophy, is available through the Sophia Foundation.

Click here: Astrofire

The programs Astrogeo and Sinewave are available for purchase from the Sophia Foundation as well.  For more information about these programs or to order them please click here.

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