Sophia Grail Circle, Liturgy & Ritual

Sophia Grail Circle

The Sophia Grail Circle is a community of people who join together to form a vessel to serve Christ and Sophia, and the spiritual evolution of humanity and the Earth. Toward this end, we work together consciously and purposefully to maintain the intention and vision of our Circle.

The Sophia Grail Circle is an endeavor focusing on Sophia at the heart of the community. It is a human weaving that serves to enable the inspiration of the Holy Soul (the third person of the Sophia trinity, Mother, Daughter and Holy Soul) to work into the hearts of each and every person in the circle and into the Heart of the Sophia Community. The Sophia Grail Circle works with the seeds of wisdom offered in the following three articles:

– Group Work by Valentin Tomberg which offers a picture of the task and nature of spiritual community;

– The Art of Goethean Conversation by Marjorie Spock which describes how participants in a group can learn to speak together with spiritual consciousness;

– Preparing for the Sixth Epoch by Rudolf Steiner which describes the inner work at hand for all those wanting to prepare for the culture of the Aquarian Age, also known as Philadelphia, signifying an era of brotherly and sisterly love. This will be the Age of Sophia, in which the flowering of the Rose of the World will take place, for which the Sophia Grail Circle is preparing.

There are regular Sophia Grail Circles held in various U.S. locations, such as Sebastopol, CA, Boulder, CO, and Peterboro, NH, both in the context of Choreocosmosworkshops and independently.

The Sophia Foundation also offers a Sophia Grail Circle Facilitator Training, held annually in Sebastopol, CA.  Many people have responded to the inner call to undertake the rigorous study, training of consciousness, and practice necessary to carry this work and ministry into the world. Imagine the Peace Service and other Sophianic celebrations taking place around the world, and what this kind of spiritual-communal work might mean for the present and future evolution of humanity and the earth. The SGC training serves toward the fulfillment of this goal: aiming toward the coming about of the new culture known as the Rose of the World—a culture based on Love, Wisdom, and Truth.

Through the inspiration of Sophia, new artistic ritual forms will gradually incarnate into the world — forms in which great spiritual truths will be enacted by way of rituals in an artistically (spiritually and aesthetically) meaningful setting. Participating in such rituals can help to bring about far-reaching transformations in consciousness and the entire inner life, even taking effect in the outer world, in the kingdoms of nature. This will lead to Sophianic liturgical forms, complementary to the traditional Christian forms of liturgy.

For further information concerning the Sophia Grail Circle Facilitator Training, see the 2017 Grail Circle Facilitator Training flyer and also this detailed outline of the program.  Feel free to contact the Sophia Foundation office with any questions or interest at [email protected], or by calling 303-242-5388.

See our Schedule of Events for an overview of other Sophia Foundation events and circles in various locations around the world.

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