Starlight Journal

Sophia Foundation Starlight Journal

Dear Friends,

We have a special Pentecost edition of Starlight featuring “The Mystery of Golgotha,” an article in five parts by Valentin Tomberg, which was originally published in German in 2020 in a volume titled Toward the 6th Cultural Epoch, Essays from the 1920’s and 1930’s. This book has just recently been published in English by Catharina Barker, Tomberg Books Achamoth, translated by G.B. Rickett. The article included is one of seven articles in the book, and is published here in Starlight with the permission of the editor and publisher. 

The Sophia Foundation is deeply grateful to Natalia Haarahiltunen for serving as editor of Starlight during 2021. We are currently seeking a new editor for the Starlight publication, and exploring re-design options for the Sophia Foundation newsletter. Please contact us if you have interest in supporting the Sophia Foundation in this endeavor.

The electronic issue of Starlight is free, which allows us to reach many more people than we would if we created only a printed version. Please feel free to download these previous editions and print them as you wish. Recent years’ editions are quite lengthy, and we recommend downloading the file and taking it to your local printer to have the edition spiral bound into a booklet for easy reading. We hope to have new editions coming forth in the future. In the meantime, we know you’ll enjoy these prior publications, with their many informative articles. 

Please feel free to share this page to others who might be interested in the Starlight.

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