Events Calendar
Participate in a variety of events, including: Choreocosmos Sacred Dance Annual Retreat Grail Trainings Sophia Workshops View Our Calendar of Events
Participate in a variety of events, including: Choreocosmos Sacred Dance Annual Retreat Grail Trainings Sophia Workshops View Our Calendar of Events
Cosmic and Sacred Dance are schooling through music and movement, engaging the body, soul, and spirit, with the intention of aligning oneself harmoniously with the spiritual-cosmic world. It leads to a living experience of the earth and cosmos expressed in the inner life of Nature (four elements), and through the movements of the planets against
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Cosmic dance (cosmic eurythmy) is a renewal of the ancient temple dances where the pupils were instructed in the mysteries of the elements relating to Mother Earth, then the mysteries of the planets in relation to the Cosmic Soul, and finally the mysteries of the zodiac pertaining to the World Spirit. Introductory courses of the School
Sacred Dance Sacred dance (devotional eurythmy) is meditative movement to prayers and sacred texts. Through gestures and sacred forms, the heart’s offering in prayer weaves an ethereal fabric between the individual and the spiritual world which sustains an inner field of spiritual activity. Sacred dance unites the soul of the individual with higher realms of
Spiritual Ideal of Choreocosmos There is a continual exchange of divine energy between the cosmos, the Sun and the Earth. This cosmic energy is Divine Love and weaves throughout the entire universe. The cultivation of love is the spiritual ideal of the School of Cosmic and Sacred Dance. In doing the cosmic and sacred dances,
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Eurythmy As A Spiritual Path Eurythmy means “harmonious rhythm” and is applied therapeutically to healing through movement. Body, soul, and spirit are harmonized through the wisdom-filled eurythmy gestures. In working with eurythmy as a path to Sophia, prayer (devotional) eurythmy and cosmic eurythmy deserve special mention. Devotional eurythmy (sacred dance) is a meditative movement to prayers
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