Foundational Study Material


$25 Suggested Donation

These prayers and exercises are foundational to the spiritual work of the Sophia Foundation and all subsequent spiritual work.

NOTE:  This is a “donate-what-you-can” downloadable item course.  By offering our study materials in this way, we make them accessible to everyone. Those who can offer more help to support those who are not able to donate as much. Once ordered, please look for the download in your confirmation email, and/or login to your account on the website to see your orders and downloadables.



These prayers and exercises are foundational to the spiritual work of the Sophia Foundation and all subsequent spiritual work.

  • Main Exercise and Subsidiary Exercises by Rudolf Steiner
  • Daily Prayer Sequence given by Valentin Tomberg, futher developed by Robert Powell
  • Deepening of the Morning Meditation, Notes by Valentin Tomberg, translated by Robert Powell.
  • Offered with a suggested donation* of $25*The Sophia Foundation is grateful for all donations which makes it possible to develop and continue to provide study materials. All donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt for your records.


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