The School of Selflessness and the Way of Forgiveness



This online course will be offered first live via Zoom July 20-24, 2020 from 2pm to 4pm EDT daily (a link to the live teachings will be provided upon registration when you log into the learning area and enter the course), and then the recorded content will be placed in the learning area for review at any time.

The School of Selflessness and
The Way of Forgiveness

A 5-lecture workshop given by
Karen Rivers, PhD
author of: Love and the Evolution of Consciousness

Monday, July 20 through Friday July 24, 2020
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT Daily via Zoom

This online course will be offered first live via Zoom July 20-24, 2020 from 2pm to 4pm EDT daily (a link to the live teachings will be provided upon registration when you log into the learning area and enter the course), and then the recorded content will be placed in the learning area for review at any time.

At His death the Christ-Being poured Himself out into the spiritual Earth-sphere, so that humankind may become more and more able to participate in that which, proceeding from the Mystery of Golgotha, can pour forth spiritual forces into the souls and hearts of all human beings.


— R. Steiner

The School of Selflessness and
The Way of Forgiveness

A 5-lecture workshop given by
Karen Rivers, PhD
author of: Love and the Evolution of Consciousness

Monday, July 20 through Friday July 24, 2020
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT Daily via Zoom


There is a metaphysical reality to love and forgiveness that requires a collaborative effort between human beings and spiritual beings who actively engage in the evolution of life on the Earth within the law of karma. Human acts of forgiveness have the power to transform individual karma. Sacrifice of self-interest through forgiveness liberates boundless forces of spiritual beings from the necessity of creating new future situations on Earth for the compensation of past karma, and allows others to receive needed help by means of these liberated forces. These spiritual forces are freed to work in completely new forms or structures to promote evolutionary impulses.

This requires selflessness. In relation to our moral life, our understanding of the world, and in relation to all the activities of our consciousness soul, we must first overcome the self-seeking desires that still influence our moral, intellectual and emotional life. This is a duty of our present culture to the future. Humankind must become more and more selfless; therein lies the future of right living, and of all the deeds of love possible to earthly humanity.

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