Exploring the Karmic Double, Forgiveness & the Twelve Virtues

Michael Holding Scales Watercolor copy

with Karen Rivers

This online course was offered first live via Zoom June 12 and 13, 2020 and now the recorded content is in the learning area for you.

Forgiveness has the potential to be of immeasurable significance for human evolution. It is among the most pressing spiritual issues of our time as well as a preeminent method of furthering spiritual evolution, both for in- dividual human beings and for the Earth.

“By forgiveness it is

that the universe is held


— The Mahabbarata

Each individual bears a karmic past that includes all past deeds enacted in relation to others that require a karmic correction, or restoration of harmony. The sum total of all of these misdeeds enacted in all past lives constitutes a karmic double that is formed out of an individual biography. Each human being bears a unique karmic double that consists of luciferic and ahrimanic qualities, interwoven into an inimitable configuration that reflects our personal un-ennobled nature. The Karmic Double creates a worldly founda- tion for us to be able to meet the conditions of our karma.

Lesson 1: We will explore Individual Karma, World Karma, and the Karmic Double.

Lesson 2: Our conversation will focus on the Metaphysics of Forgiveness.

Practicing the Twelve Virtues creates a path to educate the emotions, refine the soul, and develop inner character. When we enter into the task of develop- ing virtue, we enter into an alchemical process of transforming our soul life into capacities that establish a harmonious relationship with others and with the Soul of the Cosmos. The Virtues constitute a way of sacred service in the world for they are the means through which we unite the soul and spirit.

Lesson 3: The Twelve Virtues as a means of uniting Heaven and Earth.

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