The Sophia Teachings

Sophia Teachings v3

by Robert A. Powell
Mp3 files produced by Sounds True of Boulder Colorado

In this free online course, you will receive professionally produced downloadable mp3 files of Robert Powell reading his book The Sophia Teachings. There are 7 audio files in total, with content as detailed below.

The Sophia Teachings – 01,  (1:20:30)

Who is Sophia?  ●  Three paths: mystical, Gnostic, and magical  ●  King Solomon – the archetypal seeker of wisdom  ●  Becoming whole human beings  ●  Human knowledge vs. divine wisdom  ●  Demeter and Persephone  ●  Mysteries of the Divine Feminine  ●  Sophia’s role in the ancient world  ●  More

The Sophia Teachings – 02,  (1:36:34)

Sophianic themes in the Trojan War  ●  Perseus and Medusa  ●  Sophia and the Greek philosophers  ●  Sophia and the Logos  ●  The Aryan controversy  ●  The mystical companions of Christ  ●  The “holding back” of Sophia in the birth of Christ  ●  The meaning of turning water into wine  ●  More

The Sophia Teachings – 03,  (1:26:41)

Russian esotericist Valentin Tomberg  ●  The “Little Rosary” prayer and the seven chakras  ●  Sophia according to St. Augustine  ●  Sophia in the visions of Hildegard of Bingen  ●  Jacob Boehme’s teachings on Sophia  ●  The visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich  ●  The teachings of Vladimir Soloviev  ●  More

The Sophia Teachings – 04,  (1:34:04)

The story of the Palladium  ●  Russian Orthodox worship of Sophia  ●  Pavel Florensky, Sergei Bulgakov, and the birth of Russian Sophiology  ●  The divine feminine trinity: Mother, Daughter, and Holy Soul  ●  The “Our Mother” prayer  ●  Blavatsky and Steiner as forerunners of the worldwide Sophia movement  ●  The “seven globes” of evolution  ●  More

The Sophia Teachings – 05,  (1:29:58)

The drama of world evolution  ●  The meaning of the Second Coming of Christ  ●  The new Age of Sophia  ●  Sophianic “star wisdom”  ●  Three important periods of the 20th century  ●  Sophia as the Bride of the Lamb  ●  Sophianic understanding of the problems of our day  ●  More

The Sophia Teachings – 06pt01,  (34:47)

Awakening to the Divine Mother  ●  Planet Earth as a living being  ●  Sophia in diverse spiritual traditions

The Sophia Teachings – 06pt02,  (54:43)

Meditation: Sophia, the Daughter of God  ●  Meditation on the qualities of the etheric Christ  ●  Prayer of the Lady of All Nations  ●  Aquarian consciousness vs. Piscean consciousness  ●  The coming ages  ●  More

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