The Grail Knights training is open to men and women who feel the call to take up the cross of Christ in the struggle against evil. Based on the higher levels of Valentin Tomberg’s Lord’s Prayer Course, this program grows out of the Sophia Grail Circle Training.
One-day annual Grail Knights trainings are held following our annual Grail Circle Facilitator Training
Unpublished, untranslated notes of the higher levels of Valentin Tomberg’s Lord’s Prayer Course form the content of the Grail Knights training. As preparation for this training, it is recommended to read Valentin Tomberg’s lectures on the Four Sacrifices of Christ and the Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric, particularly focusing upon the first three sacrifices (Christ and Sophia, appendix, lectures 1-4, pages 358-381).
For more information, see this letter from Robert Powell as well as our Events Page for the latest Grail Knights Training.